What's going on??!?!?

It's been a while since I blogged and mainly it's because I have been lazy OR busy going places and attending different events.

You see, initially this blog was created due to boredom and I wanted to just create a space where I can showcase and talk about the "creative" things I have been doing musically. It was Jason's idea. And then in time, people started responding to my posts so i thought maybe i should just continue doing it...

lalalalalala then almost 2 years later (or maybe 1 and a half), i realized that i've created a 'portfolio' of a lot of my...so to say... 'creative work' and it all became serious...like...releasing my EP "From Malaysia With Love", gettings my songs played on the radio, getting interviews and write ups in the magazines/newspapers, having my music video on MTV and local tv stations, people were booking me for shows, i became a brand ambassador...etc....and fast forward to present time....

This blog will soon be GONE! not fully though because I will finally have a new proper website up...you shall see!!!

And on top of that I have a confession to make -- I been working on new tracks and I am DIGGINGGGG each and everyone of it...What I plan to do with this next project will remain a secret for now until everything is finalized. I surprise myself sometimes...

So after being back from Indonesia and Sabah, the first official event I "SANG" (if you call it singing)at was "Raising The Bar #3" - Hosted by our homey Jin Hackman.
We had amazing artists like KARMAL, Flow Artist, Shazet, Vandal, SSK, Boss Chan, KTM and on the decks was SKWARE-1 & Jocular.

There was the XXII tee's, LANSI caps, CD's from our local homebwoys...

So to sum it all up, It has been a great 2011 so far!
Wanna catch me in action again? Next week at The Big Bank$ Theory

Hope to catch you there...!


Anonymous said...

Where can I get the lansi hat?

ariff said...

hai,sy ariff.sy 17 thn skrg.
mcm mane proses membeli beli topi lansi ini n brpe hargenye?