KL Krash Pad

"KL Krash Pad, which includes Pusat Aktiviti Kanak Kanak, is a 24 hour activity center and 'safehouse' that wants to provide a 'safe,' healthy and loving environment for all children under the age of 18, living or loitering, in and around KL area. Children registered at the center are given food, shelter and are exposed to educational, health and recreational activities and programs that otherwise may not be accessible to them.
On an average day, there are about 30 children who attend a program at the center. Currently, this number increases to around 70 children on weekends. Most who come to the center are under the age of 12, but the number of teenagers who attend a program is on the rise. To date we have over 90 children registered.
Who are these kids? Most of the children are poor and discriminated against and are, from the areas around Chow Kit and TAR the greater parts of KL. They are, for the most part, unable to have their basic needs met and there is little adult supervision. Thus, many children stay on the streets in the middle of the night and are deemed as 'high risk' children.
KL Krash Pad is a collaboration project between the Department of Welfare (JKM), Wilayah and Yayasan Salam, Malaysia to assist, protect and address the issues that these children face and to provide a 'safe' zone or sanctuary for them." 

Article taken from here
NADHIRA supports this great cause. Going to check out the place this Sunday from 2-4pm, anyone interested to join me...get in touch!

Let's try do our part by giving back to the community that actually need's our help.

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